
Scholarships and Tuition Benefits

Get Support to Finance your Christian Education

Through the generous support of our donors, CBTS&C is proud to offer thousands of dollars in tuition benefits and scholarships to students in an undergraduate or graduate program.

Scholarships are approved each semester (except for the Barnabas and Missionary CNBC or NAMB Program Scholarships) and students must submit separate applications for the fall & spring semesters by the deadlines stated.

Please browse through the list below to ensure you are eligible when selecting the scholarship you are applying for.

Withdrawal from courses that drop the student below the number of credit hours required for that scholarship may result in the student having to repay the money awarded.

Donor Scholarships

Tuition Benefits

Tuition Benefits are approved on an annual basis and students must submit a new application for each school year by the deadline stated, or the benefit will be forfeited.

Definitions and Deadlines

Full-time student: Registered for 10 credit hours per semester
Fully admitted: Admitted without restrictions

CNBC: Canadian National Baptist Convention
CBTS&C: Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College
IMB: International Mission Board
NAMB: North American Mission Board
SBC: Southern Baptist Convention USA

All applications must be submitted no later than July 15th for the fall semester and November 15th for the spring semester.

First Semester Scholarships

Barnabas Scholarship (new students only)

This scholarship is awarded to new, full-time incoming CBTS&C students, from either a CNBC or SBC church, to help with the transitional costs of beginning a seminary or college education at CBTS&C.



The student must enroll as a full-time student in an undergraduate or graduate degree program of CBTS&C. (Does not include certificate or diploma programs)

Each CNBC or SBC church may nominate one outstanding student per year for the Barnabas Scholarship. The potential student must demonstrate Christian leadership and godly character and must also demonstrate financial need. The pastor of the church recommending the student must complete a pastoral reference form.

Recipients will receive a 50% scholarship of tuition for the first semester only (fees are not included).

Please be aware that recipients of this scholarship will not be eligible to receive any other scholarships or tuition benefits available at CBTS&C during their first semester.

Missionary CNBC or NAMB Program Scholarship (new students only)

Scholarship for students who have participated in a short-term missions program within the CNBC or in a NAMB semester missionary program.



To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, a new incoming student must have completed a minimum of 6 consecutive weeks in a missions program within the CNBC or a NAMB semester missionary program prior to enrolling in a program at CBTS&C. The student must be fully admitted to an undergraduate or graduate program of CBTS&C within five years of having completed the missions program.

The recipients will receive a 50% scholarship, up to $2000 per semester for a student’s first two semesters.

Fall Scholarships

CNBC Atlantic scholarship

Available to a CBT student or students from a CNBC Atlantic church.

This was established in 2019 through the Canadian National Baptist Convention(CNBC) Atlantic region. This scholarship is available to a CBT student or students from a CNBC Atlantic church. If more than one student is eligible, the funds will be divided between the students in an equitable manner.

David & Judi Young Scholarship

- Assists male students who will enter into the pastoral ministry or expect to be appointed as a foreign missionary by the CNBC.
- Assists female students who expect to be appointed as a foreign missionary by the CNBC.
- First consideration is to be given to students from Saskatchewan.

This was established by Mrs. Judi Young of Love, Saskatchewan, in memory of her husband David. This fund assists male students who will enter into the pastoral ministry or expect to be appointed as a foreign missionary by the the CNBC or female students who expect to be appointed as a foreign missionary by the CNBC.

First consideration is to be given to students from Saskatchewan.

DK and Brenda Hale Scholarship Fund

Available to all students.

This was established in honour of the Hales to assist students.

DLH Scholarship Fund

Assists students who are members in a CNBC or SBC church and been involved with volunteer missions &/or have the intent to enter foreign missions service.

This was established by friends and family of D.L.H., a Southern Baptist missionary to East Asia. The scholarship assists students who are members in a CNBC or SBC church and have been involved with volunteer missions and/or have the intent to enter foreign missions service.

Dr. Jeffery Way Family Scholarship

- Assists students in financial need.
- Preference given to bi-vocational distance students attending one-week intensive classes.

This was established by an alumnus of CBTS&C to assist students in financial need.

Preference will be given to bi-vocational distance students attending one-week intensive classes.

Encouragement Fund

- Assists students in graduate or undergraduate programs.
- The student must be of First Nations in Canada origin.

This was established by an alumnus of CBTS&C to assist students in an undergraduate or graduate program of CBTS&C.

The student must be of First Nations in Canada origin.

Fleming Scholarship

Available to students living in Canada.

This was set up by the Northwest Baptist Convention in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, who supported the work in the Northwestern United States and Canada during their lifetimes.

This scholarship is available to students living in Canada.

Gary and Sheila Cook Endowed Scholarship

Awarded to college or seminary students with plans to enter vocational ministry.

This was established by Gary and Sheila Cook in honor of the Blackaby family. The scholarship will be awarded to college or seminary students with plans to enter vocational ministry.

General Scholarship

Available to students in need.

This was provided by friends of CBTS&C.

The scholarship assists needy students.

Keith Duncan Memorial Scholarship

Available to aid seminary students.

This was established by Bill and Lorey Phillips in memory of Pastor Keith Duncan to aid seminary students.

Len & Ruth Koster Memorial Scholarship

Preference given to older Canadian full-time students who have God’s call upon their lives to share God’s Word and plant churches in Canada and around the world.

This was established in memory of this pioneer mission pastor and his wife. The first scholarship established at CSBS&C, is funded by friends and family of Len & Ruth Koster.

Preference is given to older Canadian full-time students who have God’s call upon their lives to share God’s Word and plant churches in Canada and around the world.

Madalene Cain Scholarship

Preference given to students who intend to minister especially to the needs of girls and/or women by providing spiritual guidance, care or training.

This is to be awarded with preference given to students who intend to minister especially to the needs of girls and/or women by providing spiritual guidance, care or training.

Madam Min-Tuck Chen Memorial Scholarship

Available to all students.

This was established by the family of Faith and Wei-Sek Hwang in memory of Faith’s mother.

This fund is to assist students.

Percy & Marion Lee Religious Education Scholarship Fund

Provides assistance to students who plan to minister in the area of religious education and/or discipleship.

This was established by Drs. David & Barbara Wyman to provide assistance to students who plan to minister in the area of religious education and/or discipleship.

Stephen Gover Memorial First Nations/Métis Scholarship Fund

Available to First Nations/Métis students who will enter into pastoral ministry.

This  was established by Mrs. Vera Gover, wife of Stephen Gover, who started the Cochin Baptist Church in Saskatchewan.

This fund is available to First Nations/Métis students who will enter into pastoral ministry.

Texas Baptist Men (TBM) Scholarship Fund

Assists students in financial need.

This was established by the Texas Baptist Men (TBM) and their wives who have been supporters of CBTS&C for many years and continue to invest to leave a lasting legacy to our students.

This fund assists students in financial need.

Woodard Westcoast Scholarship

Preference given first to students from CNBC Westcoast.

This was established in thanksgiving for the ministry of Ray and Patsy Woodard. This scholarship will assist college or seminary students, with preference given first to students from CNBC Westcoast and second to other Canadian students.

Spring Scholarships

Audrey Yew-Teck Chung Memorial Scholarship

Available to full-time graduate students in financial need who have completed at least one semester.

This was established by the husband and friends of Mrs. Audrey Yew-Teck Chung. It is available to full-time graduate students in financial need who have completed at least one semester.

Brandon Harvest Baptist Church Scholarship

Available to ministerial students who expect to be leaders in CNBC churches and who demonstrate financial need.

This was established by Harvest Baptist Church in Brandon, Manitoba, to be given to ministerial students who expect to be leaders in CNBC churches and who demonstrate financial need.

DK & Brenda Hale Scholarship Fund

Available to all students.

This was established in honour of the Hales to assist students.

DLH Scholarship Fund

Assists students who are members in a CNBC or SBC church and been involved with volunteer missions &/or have the intent to enter foreign missions service.

This was established by friends and family of D.L.H., a Southern Baptist missionary to East Asia. The scholarship assists students who are members in a CNBC or SBC church and have been involved with volunteer missions and/or have the intent to enter foreign missions service.

Dr. Jeffery Way Family Scholarship

- Assists students in financial need.
- Preference given to bi-vocational distance students attending one-week intensive classes.

This was established by an alumnus of CBTS&C to assist students in financial need.

Preference will be given to bi-vocational distance students attending one-week intensive classes.

Encouragement Fund

- Assists students in graduate or undergraduate programs.
- The student must be of First Nations in Canada origin.

This was established by an alumnus of CBTS&C to assist students in an undergraduate or graduate program of CBTS&C.

The student must be of First Nations in Canada origin.

Heng-Lan Cheng Memorial Scholarship Fund

- Available to full-time graduate students who have completed at least one semester.
- Priority consideration is to be given to ethnic minority or native students.

This is a gift of Faith and Wei-Sek Hwang. This fund provides financial assistance to full-time graduate students who have completed at least one semester.

Priority consideration is to be given to ethnic minority or native students.

Madalene Cain Scholarship

Preference given to students who intend to minister especially to the needs of girls and/or women by providing spiritual guidance, care or training.

This is to be awarded with preference given to students who intend to minister especially to the needs of girls and/or women by providing spiritual guidance, care or training.

Madge McBee Memorial WMU Scholarship

Available to female students who will pursue a career in missions.

This was established through the Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) Foundation in memory of Madge McBee.

This scholarship is available to female students who will pursue a career in missions.

Muriel F. Blackwell Childhood Education Scholarship

- Available to full-time students pursuing ministry to children.
- Must have completed at least one semester.
- Preference will be given to female students.

This was established by Bill Blackwell in honour of his wife to be given to full-time students who have completed at least one semester and are pursuing ministry to children.

Preference will be given to female students.

Osborne/Miller Memorial Scholarship

Preference given to students who intend to enter foreign missions or pastoral ministry.

This was established in memory of Dorothy & Darrell Osborne and Don Miller.

Preference will be given to students who intend to enter foreign missions or pastoral ministry.

Price Memorial Scholarship

Available to graduate students.

This was established by Westlynn Baptist Church in memory of Des and June Price to be given to graduate students.

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ACCREDITATION and partnerships

Government of Alberta

Recognized by the Province of Alberta. Accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), click here to learn more, and the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), learn more here.

© Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College 2024