Dual Enrolment Program

Attention grade 11 & 12 students!

Canadian Baptist College and Seminary Student Life

The Dual Enrolment Program at CBT is offered to grade 11 and grade 12 students. Grade 11 students are permitted to enroll in one 3 credit-hour course per semester, and grade 12 students are permitted to enroll in up to two 3 credit-hour course per semester. Thus, upon completion of college courses, students may receive both high school and college credits.


Applying students must:

  • Show proof of completion of grade 10
  • Be at least 16 years of age.

Interested students should contact the Registrar for an application form and to inquire about upcoming courses being offered in the Dual Enrolment Program. Please note it is the responsibility of the student to determine whether another college or university will accept these transfer credits if there are plans to continue studying at another school in the future.

Courses offered Fall 2024

  1. New Testament Survey: Wednesday and Friday, 8:00-9:20am
  2. God With Us: The Story of the Bible: Wednesday and Friday, 9:30-10:50am
  3. Christian Worldview: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00am-12:20pm


For all homeschool students, we have taken great efforts to create an environment in which your educational background is valued and understood! At Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College, students learn in a Christ-centered community that values academic excellence, practical training, and commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. We are committed to training God-called men and women twenty-first leadership in tough places. We desire for our students to grow in learning how to love God, love His Word, and love others more.

Our desire is to equip the next generation of leaders to go into difficult places and to courageously face the challenges that confront us there. We are looking for homeschooled students who want to be equipped to serve in the hard places, whether that is in a remote village in the Yukon, in downtown Vancouver, or in an international mission setting.

Come and see what God might have on His heart for you at the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College in Cochrane, Alberta. Book a CBT campus tour.

Ways to Apply

Option 1

An official transcript from your provincial Department of Education showing proof of the required Grade 12 courses.

Option 2

An official letter from your homeschooling board verifying your Grade 12 program AND

A portfolio including a list of high school subjects completed, writing samples, as well as work and volunteer experience.

Option 3

An official letter from your homeschooling board verifying your Grade 12 program AND

An official SAT transcript showing a minimum SAT Reasoning Test score with 1400 or higher on three sections of Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing with no section test below 400.

What Grads Say

My experience at CBT has helped me grow in my relationship to the Lord.
I would recommend this school to a friend.
My time here has prepared me for Christian ministry.

Mentorship and Community

With a low student-to-faculty ratio, CBT affords students an excellent opportunity to interact with professors. In addition to their academic achievements, professors have spent many years in ministry as pastors in North America, and as international missionaries in places like Croatia, Portugal, Hungary, Scotland, and South Africa. We encourage our students to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with faculty by providing a weekly Journey Group which focuses on discipleship and mentorship.

We also place a high value on community. This is experienced through several weekly gatherings in which students, staff, and faculty break from their courses and come together to fellowship and worship in unison. In addition to this, students are able to participate in intramural sports.

Furthermore, with affordable housing options on campus, CBT provides students an opportunity for independent living within community support.

Contact Info

ACCREDITATION and partnerships

Government of Alberta

Recognized by the Province of Alberta. Accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), click here to learn more, and the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), learn more here.

© Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College 2024