Zeta Lee

CBT’s new Assistant Professor of Counselling and Spiritual Formation

by Tony van der Hiele

CBT’s new Assistant Professor of Counselling and Spiritual Formation, Zeta Lee, knows well the unique learning environment at the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary and College. As an alumnus of the school, he has experienced the shared life, academic excellence, and the tight-knit community with a heart to be on mission for God, and he is grateful for the opportunity to be part of that again. As he is settling into his new role, let’s get to know him a little better!

Zeta is married to Mary Han, and they have two children, daughter Rua (8) and son Lucas (4). As a family, they love the outdoors and often find themselves camping, hiking, and kayaking. They are looking forward to the different rhythms of “life on the hill,” as insiders have dubbed CBT’s campus. Zeta himself has travelled the world. He was born in Kuwait to Korean parents, grew up in South Korea, went on missions for a year in South Africa, and worked in the United States before moving to Canada in 2008 to pursue an MDiv at CBT. “I have a heart for missions,” he emphasizes, which has been evident in his life. Since starting his education at CBT, he has been on mission in Canada. He planted a church, completed the MDiv program, pastored a church in Calgary and led mission teams to Mexico, China, South Africa, and Ethiopia.

He graduated from CBT in 2012. As Zeta reflects on his years as a student, studying full-time, planting a church, and working several jobs to make ends meet, he understands what it is to be in the shoes of a CBT student.” I know the challenges and the perseverance it takes to complete your education,” he attests with a smile. Dr. Booth, CBT’s Academic Dean, looks forward to having him on the faculty. “Zeta Lee is a graduate of our school and knows our Cochrane context well. He has rich experience as a missionary, pastor, and professional counsellor and is uniquely gifted to lead our faculty in the crucial role of spiritual formation of our students.” 

The counselling journey of this alumnus-turned-professor started while pastoring a young congregation, and he often found himself doing pre-marriage counselling. “A lot of ministry organically became counselling and I found that I really enjoyed that,” Zeta shares. More and more requests for counselling followed, and when the elders of his church told him he had a gift in that area, and he realized there were no Korean-speaking counsellors in the Calgary area, he started praying about specializing in that area. With the encouragement of his predecessor, Dr. Don McNaughton, who has now retired from his role as Professor of Counseling and Spiritual Formation at CBT, Zeta pursued a Master of Arts in Counseling at Providence Seminary. After completing that training, he stepped away from pastoral counselling to focus more on clinical counselling. He opened a practice and joined a professional counselling agency. The school’s president, Dr. Rob Blackaby, highly values Zeta’s experience in pastoral leadership and clinical counselling, saying it “offers him unique insights into the intertwined nature of spiritual and mental health.” 

Stepping into his new role, Zeta smiles and says, “There are two things I am passionate about, and that is counselling and spiritual formation!” His views on spiritual formation and counselling are centered around John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It is Zeta’s hope for the students to discover the fullness of life in Christ. He is excited to be able to witness the spiritual journey of students and invest in their lives. He continues, “I’m so thankful to be joining the faculty and be part of the school community again. I have always loved the school but never expected it to be in this capacity,” he says humbly. “I remember from being a student how the faculty prayed for me and how they have shaped me into the person I am today.”

Shaping students for twenty-first-century leadership in tough places is what the CBT faculty is about. They disciple students in a loving manner, gently peeling the onion and probing beneath the surface. As Assistant Professor of Counselling and Spiritual Formation, Zeta will foster that spirit and, in the words of Rob Blackaby, “guide students through their own explorations of faith and personal growth, emphasizing a compassionate, integrated approach to counselling and spiritual formation.” CBT can’t wait to see how God will use Zeta in this role!

Please join us in praying for Zeta and his family as they settle onto campus and start making friends in the community.