Glenn and Sherri Watson Retire

CBT Bids Farewell to Glenn and Sherri Watson

by Tony van der Hiele

“We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.” This John Maxwell quote fittingly describes the seventeen years of faithful service of CBT’s retiring faculty member, Dr. Glenn Watson. Through example, the beloved Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry has developed character in numerous students and an appetite in them to grow, always pointing to Jesus and the Gospel.

His knowledge and experience are broad; Glenn’s education ranges from a bachelor degree in Church Music to a PhD focused on preaching. He grew up on the mission field, pastored local churches, taught at a foreign seminary, served as a national strategy leader for Portugal with the International Mission Board, and continues to life out the life of a missionary. Even though his experience and qualifications make Dr. Watson special, it is his gentle and humble character that will be remembered by most as he retires on June 30th.

With a smile that always seems to linger, Dr. Watson exhibits a calming nature and a gentleness that his students and co-workers won’t easily forget. He brings peace and clarity in situations that would otherwise be considered stressful. Lucas, halfway through his Masters of Christian Studies program, shares, “His loving and kind way of walking with the class through difficult issues that might arise with pastoral ministry is evident.” Communicating the responsibilities of a pastor, never as a burden and always as a calling, he emphasizes that shepherding is at all times about honouring God. And he has lived out his teaching authentically on campus. With the gentle spirit accompanying his pastoral heart, he has faithfully shepherded CBT’s students.


The term “Expository Preaching” is what students bring up first when asked about Dr. Watson’s famous preaching classes, an educational highlight for many. “He is an expert in preaching,” raves Michael, a student in the MDiv program. Students and alumni treasure how he taught them to engage with the audience through stories that connect to the biblical text and the gospel.

CBT’s President, Dr. Rob Blackaby, affirmed Glenn’s impact on the community during the 2024 Commencement Ceremony. “In the years since Dr. Watson assumed the position of professor, God has worked through him to ensure we have a solid foundation upon which future generations of professors can build. His approach to preaching is critical to our contemporary Canadian context. In teaching and in practice, Glenn has demonstrated faithful, hopeful, and loving commitment to the glory of God and the good of God’s people. He models the motto of Dr. Frankie Rainey, ‘Love people with all the love God gives you and feed them on God’s Word.’”

Dr. Watson’s wife Sherri has exhibited that same commitment to God’s people. For a decade, from 2009 to 2019, she poured her time and talents into the students on campus as the Director of Student Life. More recently and with unmatched enthusiasm, Sherri directed CBT’s monthly Women in Ministry (WIM) events and ensured each lady left the evening feeling connected and encouraged. She has seen many students come and go, and they have been deeply impacted by her care, joy, and the events she has planned. Dr. Watson knows her impact like no other. With deep respect, he honoured his wife during the “Putting Hubby Through” moment at graduation weekend:

I’ve loved watching you flourish and leave your fingerprint on generations of students and spouses who have come through our lives. I love the way you bring laughter to otherwise hum-drum moments, the way you see people, the way you make them smile, the way you pray for them, the way you make them feel like the most important person in the world, the way you show them the love of Jesus by loving them so well yourself. You’ve always had a hard time seeing the impact of your life on the lives of people around you. But you’re the only one. The rest of us all know that our world is lighter, more joyful, more filled with grace because you are in it. You are a treasure beyond measure, a special gift from God to us all – but especially to me.

Without a doubt, Dr. Watson is a man who cares deeply for his wife and family. Whether teaching or preaching, his listeners will often taste glimpses of this through the stories he shares, and students mention how they loved hearing about his dad. He and Sherri have loved the CBT community as family, and he emphasizes the blessings of doing life together. “I knew from the first day I set foot on campus that CBT was a special place. The entire community – faculty, staff, students – has impacted my life profoundly. Through many ups and downs, joys and sorrows, triumphs and setbacks, we’ve learned to trust God together as he shapes each of us to be more like him.” He recalls a season where the entire community prayed fervently for weeks because the school steered towards an insurmountable budget shortfall close to the end of the fiscal year. “On the last day, a donation came in from a previously unknown source that covered the exact amount that was needed! That kind of shared experience of God’s provision creates a culture that is about giving our very best and trusting God for the rest – and that’s an essential piece of serving God in tough places.” 

Dr. Steve Booth, CBT’s Academic Dean, and his wife, Dr. Susan Booth, are colleagues and close friends of the Watson family and they have shared much of life together. “I will miss Glenn both personally and professionally,” the Dean acknowledges. “From a professional standpoint, he has been a faithful colleague for seventeen years. In my absence, Glenn has stood in as Academic Dean, always keeping a steady hand on the tiller to make sure the ship continued to move straight ahead. There has never been a time when I asked him to take on a task when he did not “Yes!” These are friends with whom we know we will stay in touch.”

As Dr. Watson looks back, he shares, “I have most enjoyed teaching in a setting where my life as a professor and my life as a missionary [with the IMB] can be so thoroughly integrated. Being able to walk alongside my current and former students in meaningful ministry has fulfilled all my dreams of how I wanted to live my life.” Even though he will miss the Tuesday faculty prayer meetings, having coffee with students at the end of the semester, and watching them launch into their ministries, he will be cheering them on from a distance. “And the school as well,” he adds. “It has been one of the great privileges of my life to serve here, and I will always be grateful that the Lord saw fit to allow the “boundary lines” for me to fall in such a pleasant place.”

CBT recognizes the incredible value of such a professor, and Dr. Blackaby announced during graduation that Dr. Watson is not leaving the school entirely.

Although Dr. Glenn Watson will be retiring and moving to the United States this summer, he is going to maintain his relationship with CBT as a member of our faculty and will be given the title “Senior Academic Fellow.” This special title is given to a standing member of the faculty who takes on special assignments at the request of the President or Chief Academic Officer. Glenn will support, strengthen, and represent our school as he has opportunity in semi-retirement, and we hope from time to time that he and Sherri will be back on our campus to visit or teach.

The Watson’s future home will be in Texas, and they look forward to being nearer to their family, Glenn’s mother, their children and eleven grandchildren. At CBT, we are thankful for all they have done, and we will dearly miss this amazing couple. Sherri’s motherly advice and encouragement, Glenn’s pastoral role model, discipleship, lectures, conversations, and passion for Jesus have shaped the character of numerous students – a true legacy! Dr. Blackaby’s words echo the sentiments of many when he expresses, “Dr. Watson is precious to us…he is precious to me! He has made an indelible impression on our school, and God has woven him deep into the cultural DNA of our school.”

God bless you, Glenn and Sherri Watson!