Graduating Students 2024

CBT Celebrates the Class of 2024 at Graduation Weekend

by Tony van der Hiele

What is a more significant advantage of a modest-sized school than having the ability to make graduation personal? Together with friends and family, the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary and College celebrated the joyous occasion of fifteen students graduating on the weekend of May 3 and 4. With the hard work of study, training and writing papers behind them, the graduands shared their testimonies on the Friday night preceding commencement.

Graduand Chris Greenwood opened the celebratory evening of Grad Testimonies & Dessert Fellowship, voicing a prayer for the graduating students to continue to grow closer in Christlikeness as God calls them to the tough places in ministry. As one after another shared testimony, God was praised, the professors thanked, and peers celebrated. There were reflections on the adventure CBT has brought each student and the recognition of a God at work. Nokomis Gregory, graduating with a Master of Christian Ministry, articulated God’s work in his life as follows, “God has provided, sustained, and seen my growth. If there is one thing I learned, it is that the Lord is more committed to my sanctification than I am, and that is a beautiful thing.” Silas Williams, recipient of the Samuel program certificate, made a powerful statement by summarizing his one school year at CBT as “a life-changing experience.”

The personal touch also exists in issuing PHT Awards as an annual Friday Evening Graduation tradition. With this recognition for “Putting Hubby/Honey Through,” married graduands expressed gratitude towards their spouses. It was a source of laughter and emotion as the grads appreciated their spouse’s sacrifice, help, and support along the way through creative notes and even poems.

The event the graduates have looked forward to most was the 35th Commencement Ceremony, held in the Bow Valley Baptist Church sanctuary. This was their moment! Well-deserved, CBT recognized and celebrated their efforts and hard work. Retiring professor Dr. Glenn Watson addressed the graduands in a fashion that only a professor of Preaching & Pastoral Ministries could do. His message challenged those about to receive their degrees and caused the entire audience think and reflect. Looking at the graduands about to start their journey, anticipating God’s work and faithfulness through their ministry service, Dr. Watson posed the question, “What is it that we should rejoice in?” Jesus gives the answer in Luke 10:20, and Dr. Watson paraphrased the answer with his concluding words, “Rejoice, not because your name is written on a diploma, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven.” 

Two students graduated with a Bachelor of Christian Ministry, two received the Samuel Program Certificate, and eleven students celebrated the completion of their programs at the seminary level. We congratulate our fifteen graduates! CBT had the privilege of walking with them for a few short years to prepare them for what God will have for them now and in the future. While the school exists to train leaders for ministry, these graduates have brought their experience and unique personalities and allowed our school the joy of being part of their lives. In response, they poured into CBT and had a profound impact on the community.

Referring to Philippians 2, President Rob Blackaby told the graduates, “When you leave here, there are some things you cannot stop doing. You cannot stop working out your faith…and as God has worked that in you…work it out in the communities where God has assigned you to.”

As the graduates move on, they will forever be part of the CBT family, and they will be prayed for by name. 

Congratulations, class of 2024!